The Universe is…

The universe is a spunky 16 year old redhead with bad grades and two gapped front teeth. 
Her green eyes reveal strength meant for molding kids into dragon slayers.
Plaid short skirts with skinned knees and a bleeding heart is her favorite color. 

The universe is a humble 16 year old red head with a passion for bad decisions and books that make her overthink the future. 
She is the miracle of breath when you learn the tumor is benign. 
She is the snicker you let out when he says its not you, its me. 

She is the sky. Lit up by fires of sunshine past. 

The universe is a curious 16 year old red head with a crooked smile that gives way to acceptance. 
She is the door that was just shut in your face. 
She is the reminder that there are other doors to knock on. 
She is the miracle rainbows search for on warm days. 

The universe is agonizing beauty. She is pretentious. 
She exists to torture and to excite. To love, and to let go. To leap. To keep going 

The universe is my teacher, she is my friend.

The universe is my love that finally found a home. 

Written in 2022.


Honeymoon Ode to Spain